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Did you know that the original idea behind The Cocoa Project was to create a chocolate museum? A place that explains why chocolate is considered a gift from the gods; a place that brings to life the fairy tale dreams of children (or those who were once children).

The Cocoa Project was initially established to become a chocolate museum. Inspired by The Choco Story museums around the world, as well as the famous Cup Noodles Museum in Japan, Cocoa envisioned building a chocolate museum right here in Vietnam.

The chocolate museum, a place that contains knowledge about chocolate from all over the world, as well as the extraordinary development of chocolate in Vietnam, will also nurture the love of chocolate in the hearts of the Vietnamese people. Through various modern methods and technologies, we will recreate the history of chocolate, from ancient times to the present, from when chocolate was considered a form of currency, to when it was exclusively consumed by the aristocracy, to the chocolate that is now available to all of us. Why do we have milk chocolate and white chocolate—along with an in-house factory so everyone can understand the chocolate-making process—these were also part of The Cocoa Project’s vision from the very beginning…

Cocoa has now entered our third year of the journey to bring chocolate to everyone. Looking back at the original ideas, although they did not come to fruition, they were the building blocks that created The Cocoa Project today.

Three years have passed, and while many changes have occurred, the passion to bring Vietnamese chocolate to more chocolate lovers remains unchanged. Every day, we continue to strive with all our heart, enthusiasm, and unwavering love for chocolate.

Cocoa believes that we will achieve our dreams and happiness, one way or another.

The Cocoa Project – Chocolate for the people.

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